Product ID | L1293 |
Name | Crotalus ruber |
Common Name(s) | Red Diamond Rattlesnake |
Origin | USA |
Purity | >99% |
Form | Lyophilized powder |
Packaging | In vacuum sealed glass vials, in secured parcel. |
Packaging | Price (€) | Quantité | Buy Now |
25 mg | 316.25 | ||
For quotation of big quantities, please Contact us |
CITES | None |
EU | None |
France | None |
![]() | Safety Data Sheet Available on request, please Contact us Ref. SDS_L1293 : unit price : free of charge |
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Bibliography | 1. Amaral,A. do 1929. Studies of nearctic ophidia IV. On Crotalus tortugensis VANDENBURGH AND SLEVIN, 1921, Crotalus atrox elegans SCHMIDT, 1922, and Crotalus atrox lucasensis (VANDEBURGH, 1920). Bull. Antivenin Inst. America 2 (4): 85-86 2. Barry, S.J. 1998. Coluber infernalis Blainville, 1835 and Eutaenia sirtalis tetrataenia Cope in Yarrow, 1875 (currently Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis and T. s. tetrataenia; Reptilia, Squamata): proposed conservation of the subspecific names by the designation of a n Bull. Zool. Nomenclature 55 (4) 3. Beaman, K. R. and E. A. Dugan 2006. Crotalus ruber. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 840: 1-17. 4. Beaman, K.R. & Hayes, W.K. 2008. Rattlesnakes: Research Trends and Annotated Checklist. In: Hayes et al. (eds), The biology of rattlesnakes. Loma Linda University Press, pp. 5-16 5. Berg, M. van den et al. 2013. Traumterrarien. Reptilia (Muenster) 18 (100): 16-27 6. Campbell, J.A. & Lamar, W.W. 1989. 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